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Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
(Please click the title of article to download and the journal name to be directed to the journal's official publication page)

Cayli Messina, B. (2024) "Why Temporality Matters in Collective Resistance: Shifting Civic Norms in a Post-Traumatic Society" Sociological Forum 39(2): 201-215.



Cayli Messina, B. (2024) "Crime and Violence on the Margins of Society: How Justice-Based Power Vacuums Create Deprived Neighborhoods" Sociology Compass  18(3): 1-24. e13194.

Cayli Messina, B. (2022) "Breaking the Silence on Femicide: How Women Challenge Epistemic Injustice and Male Violence"

The British Journal of Sociology  73(4): 859-884.

Cayli Messina, B. (2021) "The Global History of Social Dissent: Deconstructing Outlaws within the Conundrum of Crime, Conflict, and Violence"

Journal of Historical Sociology 34(3): 406-423.

Cayli Messina, B. (2021) "Bandits, Brigands, and Militants: The Historical Sociology of Outlaws" 

Journal of Historical Sociology  34(3): 402-406.

Cayli Messina, B. (2020) "The Cultural Anthropology of Protest against Perceived InjusticeAnthropological Notebooks 26(1): 1-12

Cayli B (2020) "Crime, Bandits, and Community: How Public Panic Shaped the Social Control of Territory in the Ottoman Empire"

Territory, Politics, Governance 8(3): 356-371.

Cayli B,. Hargreaves, C., and Hodgson P. (2018) "Body-Worn Cameras: Determining the Democratic Habitus of Policing"

Safer Communities 17(4): 213 -223.

Cayli B,. Hodgson P, Walsh, D. (2018) "Social Unrest in the UK and Turkey: Rethinking Police Violence against Dissident Communities" Journal of Comparative Sociology 17(2): 159-186.

Cayli B (2018) "Peasants, Bandits and State Intervention: The Consolidation of Authority in the Ottoman Balkans and Southern Italy" Journal of Agrarian Change 18(2):425-443.


Cayli B (2017) "Victims and Protest in a Social Space: Revisiting the Sociology of Emotions" Emotion, Space and Society, 22(1): 61-70.

Cayli B (2017) "The Zones of Fragility: Outlaws and the Forms of Violence in the Ottoman Empire" Journal of Historical Sociology, 30(4): 724-745.

Cayli B (2016) "Performance Matters More Than Masculinity: Violence, Gender Dynamics and Mafia Women

Aggression and Violent Behavior, 29: 36-42.

Cayli B (2016) "Codes of Commitment to Crime and Resistance: Determining Social and Cultural Factors over the Behaviors of Italian Mafia Women" 

Deviant Behavior, 37(1): 1-15.

Cayli B (2015) "The Ravages of Social Catastrophe: Striving for the Quest of 'Another World'" Philosophy & Social Criticism, 41(9): 963-980.​​

Cayli B (2014) "Renewing Criminalized and Hegemonic Cultural Landscapes" Critical Criminology, 22(4): 579-593.​

Cayli B (2013) "Using Sports against the Italian Mafia: Policies and Challenges on the Path of Cultural Renewal" 

Sociology of Sport Journal, 30(4): 435-466.

Cayli B (2013) "Creating Counterpublics against the Italian Mafia: Cultural Conquerors of Web-Based Media" Javnost-the Public, 20(3): 59-76.​

Cayli B (2013) "Italian civil society against the Mafia: From perceptions to expectations" International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 41(1): 81-99.

Cayli B (2012) "Resistance against the Mafia: A Civic Struggle to Defy an Uncontestable Power" Anthropological Journal of European Cultures, 21(1):103-125.

Cayli B (2012) "The Impossible Mission: Global Justice Movement against Transnational Organized Crime" New Global Studies, 6(1):1-23​

Cayli B (2011) "Anti-Mafia Policies in Italy: The Need for Collaborative Governance and Transition of the Policy Actors from Isolation to Coalition" 

European Journal of Crime Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 19(1): 15-36.

Cayli B (2010) "Social Networks of the Italian Mafia: The Strong and Weak Parts" CEU Political Science Journal, 5(3): 382-413.​

Book Sections

Messina, Cayli B. (2021) "Energy Consumption and Social Harm: How the Misuse of State Power Creates Inequality and Social Injustice", in Needs and Barriers of Prosumerism in the Energy Transition Era, edited by Lucia Ruggeri. Madrid: Dykinson.


Cayli, B. (2017) “When a Journalist defies more than the mafia: The legacy of Giuseppe Fava and Italian Antimafia Culture”  ed. R. Pickering-Iazzi, in The Italian Antimafia, New Media and the Culture of Legality. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


Cayli, B."The Relationship between Power and the Perception of Identity: The Case of the Italian Mafioso", in Identity and Identification, eds A.Mateos-Aparicio et. al.. pp. 25-37. (Castilla-La Mancha: Ediciones de la Universidad, 2017).

Cayli, B. (2014) "Global South/Global North" in Cousins, Linwood H. and Golson, J. Geoffrey, (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Human Services and Diversity. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 590-592.

Cayli, B. (2014) "The Role of Cultural Capital" in Cousins, Linwood H. and Golson, J. Geoffrey, (eds.) Encyclopaedia of Human Services and Diversity. Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 301-302.

Cayli, B. (2011) ‘Anti-Mafia Movement and the Introduction of a New Phrase’ in International Relations, Culture and Finance, ed. A. Kalaitzidis. Athens: Atiner, pp. 229- 238.

Cayli, B. (2011) ‘Italian Mafia in the Spectrum of Culture and Politics’ in Cultural and Ethical Turns: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Culture, Politics and Ethics, eds. B. Garner Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press. pp. 51-59.


Research Reports, Book Reviews and Other Scholarly Contributions

Cayli Messina, Baris. 2024. Review "Introduction to Convict Criminology" by Jeffrey Ian Ross, Bristol University Press" Prison Service Journal (In Press),

Cayli Messina, Giovanna Summerfield and Rosario Pollucino (2023) "Interview with Baris Cayli Messia" I.S Mediterranean Studies Vol. 2, no: 1, 6-11. 

Cayli, B. (2019) Review of “Mafia Organizations. The Visible Hand of Criminal Enterprise” by Maurizio Catino (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). Criminal Law & Criminal Justice Book Reviews​.


Briguglio, M., Cayli Messina, B., Gard, R., Gatto, A., Schermer, J. A., Shahzad, U., ... & Zhao, J. (2023). "A new team and vision of the international social science journal." International Social Science Journal 73(259): 255-259.

Cayli, B. (2019) Review of “Mafia Organizations. The Visible Hand of Criminal Enterprise” by Maurizio Catino (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019). Criminal Law & Criminal Justice Book Reviews​.

Cayli, B. (2019) Review of “How Violence Shapes Religion” by Ziya Meral (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018). LSE Review of Books.

Cayli, B. (2019) "Body-Worn Cameras: A Litmus Test for the Democratic Habitus of Policing" Discover Society.

Cayli, B. (2018) Review of "The Invisibe Camorra: Neapolitan Crime Families across Europe" by Felia Allum. (Cornell University Press, 2016). International Sociology 33(5): 583-586.


Nunn,  A., Cayli, B.,  Dodsley, T., Hargreaves, C (2018) "Effectiveness of MFC Services to Reduce School Exclusion among Young People from the Roma Community in Derby", Derby: Multi-Faith Centre..


Cayli, B. (2018) A Generational Fight: Teaching Young Italians to Defy the Mafia. RUSI​.


Cayli, B. (2017) Review of "Mafia Life: Love, Death and Money at the Heart of Organised Crime" by Federico Varese. (Profile Books, 2017), LSE Review of Books

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